Saturday, February 1, 2014

WAR MULLET (@3floyds)

Back in December a few important things happened:

1.     My birthday
2.     Christmas
3.     My X-wife let me know she's still crazy
4.     Me and said FTG went to 3Floyd’s Brewery!!

Now no.4 on that list is pretty important because not only did we make the 3 hour journey to Munster enduring cold weather, long lines and ultimately food poisoning followed by the worst cold I’ve had in 15 years, but I made it back from the brewery with some pretty good fucking beer.  I bring you War Mullet by 3Floyd’s Brewery!

Style: American Imperial/ Double IPA
%ABV: 8.1
Brewery: 3Floyd’s Brewery
BeerAdvocate: 91 Outstanding

I’ve never had a beer from 3Floyd’s that I didn’t like!  I’m not gonna spend 50 words licking War Mullet’s asshole either so I’ll get to the point, it’s fucking delicious!   The Beer poured a nice amber color with a nice bubbly head with a nice citrusy aroma.There were no floral notes but there were strong citrusy notes.    Sip after sip yielded sweet orange hop notes.  For a double it wasn’t too strong with subtle malty hints.  I served it at slightly below room temperature and as it warmed it definitely became more flavorful.  There were notes I couldn’t place as well.  The most impressive part of this beer as is the case with all 3Floyd’s beers was the bottle art work!  I liked the art so much on War Mullet I ponied up and bought a t-shirt!  War Mullet is boss as fuck and if you aren’t trying 3Floyd’s beers then you’re missing out on some amazing beers! 


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