Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The other day I had to pleasure of hanging out with Lucifer!  As we sat and talked shop he told me I looked parched and asks me if I wanted a beer!  A beer with the first fallen angel...Uh Fuck and Yes!  He sauntered away and came back with a gold rimmed snifter and served it to me with his perfectly manicured hands!  The first sip was a little different and it was soon followed by an intense burn, then the burn got hotter until it was well...pretty fucking intense!  After a few drinks I said my thirst was pretty quenched but he insisted I finish!  About and hour later I was breathing fire!  My face was a little flush and thin beads of sweat were beginning to form on my face!  As I put that snifter down he said "still thirsty?" before I could say NO he produced yet another snifter!  Again he insisted I finish this glass as well!  If I thought the last glass was hot, well this one was hot as three hells hot!  Son-of-a-bitch it was hot!  My throat burned, my lips burned, fuck me everything burned!  He then said "Hungry my boy?" and again before I could say NO he produced a mouth watering slice of Wise Pies Carnivore Pizza!  I took a bit, took a sip and...VOLCANIC FIRE!  WOW!  Red faced, sweat covered, mouth on fire I have finally finished the beer and pizza!  With tears running down my face I asked Lucifer what in the hell kinda beer did he just give me?  His reply...Stone Brewing's Crime & Punishment! 

Beer: Stone Crime
ABV%: 9.6
Style: Chile Beer
Beer Advocate: 66 Poor

"What do you call it when Greg takes his entire harvest 
bounty of chili pepper varieties from his own personal garden, take half of them and add to...and thus ruin...an otherwise beautiful oak barrel of Double Dry Hopped Luck Basartd Ale?"


A: "A Crime!" 

This beer (Crime) was hot as hell!  I've tried Founder's Mango Jabanero beer and it was not even
 in this beers ball park!  The beer poured a deep dark caramel color with little to no head!  Sticking my nose into the glass and taking a big whiff I actually coughed a bit!  The pepper aroma was pretty strong.  If there was any bastard in that beer I couldn't find it.  The first sip was hot and the next sip hotter!  As the beer warmed up it became evident there was really no beer taste at all, it was like drinking fermented pepper water!  I was surprisingly pleasant after awhile because you become addicted to the heat!  I can see why it got a 66 from Beer Advocate because this isn't a beer you sit back and drink with your buddies, this is a beer you try to try and say "I tried it"!  It was the hottest beer I've had that is until I popped the cork on it's brother...Punishment!

Beer: Stone Punishment
ABV%: 12
Style: Chile Beer
Beer Advocate: 70 Okay

Q: "What do you call it when you take a sip of oak barrel aged Double Bastard Ale that's had the other half of the bounty of chili peppers from Greg's home garden ceremoniously added in, resulting in a punishingly intense level of hot pepper heat to an already overly intense beer whose elevated alcohol level caused a significant transference of pain-inducing 

A: "Punishment."

If I thought Crime was hot, this was "Drag my ass across the carpet like a dog whose ass is on fire hot!"  The physical characteristics were very similar to Crime but the first sip wasn't as hot which was weird because I thought this beer was supposed to be more hot than Crime.  Turns out I was correct because after about three sips my fucking mouth was on fire and after a bite of Pizza it lit the hell up like I just threw gas on it!  God Damn it was hot.  My throat burned, my lips burned.  My face and ears got hot and my forehead started to sweat!  I struggled through every drink until I finished it!  My stomach was definitely upset!  

These beers (Crime & Punishment) are probably not the beers you want at a tailgate, or a party but they're definitely worth trying if you like to challenge you senses of taste!  I wish I would have followed up these beers with a Green Flash Pallet Wrecker so I could've thoroughly destroyed by sense of taste for the evening!  Sadly I didn't feel like drinking anything after either of these beers!  If you've never tried a Chile Beer I suggest you try just for the sake of saying you've had one!  If you can drink a whole bomber I think I speak for Charlie Sheen in saying you're full blown WINNING!


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