Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Silver Back IPA from Wynkoop Brewery!  I first tried this beer a couple years ago when I flew out to spend my birthday with Steveo.  Mine's on the 5th and his is on the 7th (the date of the worst attack on American soil).  We celebrated by microbrew crawling and hitting a cigar bar!  Good times.  One of those microbews was Wynkoop Brewery Colorado's first brewpub, Wynkoop Brewing Company was founded in 1988 by a group of young entrepreneurs and urban pioneers led by former Denver mayor and current Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper.  Wynkoop is a great brewery!  I thought the scenery and the taproom was great!  We stopped in and had a few of their beers that night.  Among those beers was Silverback Pale Ale!

Silverback Pale Ale is a standard west coast style pale ale with a solid hoppy presence that's done in a can without apology. And none is needed; it's totally enjoyable.

Silverback pours unfiltered, copper, with a white head that sits on top of the body and dots the pint glass with spots. It smells of citrus hops and caramel malt with biscuits and bread. It's crisp, finishes clean, and drinks easy at 5.5% alcohol.

Style: American Pale Ale
Beer Advocate rates Silver Back Pale Ale an 82.

Admittedly I was pretty buzzed by the time we hit Wynkoop up so I can't remember if I liked Silverback!  So on my May visit to run the Bolder Boulder I grabbed a 6 pack and smuggled it back here!  

I'm mixed on Silver Back.  I think when I'm drunk I like it more than when I'm sober...not unlike Labambas Borritos!  The taste seems very earthy to me for an American Pale Ale.  I guess I've just had so many hopped out beers that the hop profile of Silver Back really doesn't do anything for me.  Big Cookie had this one pictured and seemed to like it so I guess it just depends on who you are!  That being said if you ever find yourself in Colorado try one and be sure to hit up Wynkoop!  

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