Monday, July 1, 2013


Yet another offering from Sam Adams!  When I first discovered their small batch beers I bought each different one on the shelf.  They were like $4.99 a bottle and I just couldn’t pass that shit up.  What’s stands out is the label art, it’s pretty cool for all of them.  Dark Depths Baltic IPA is no exception.  I’m a big fan of vintage aquanaut gear and artwork!  So naturally the label of Dark Depths caught my eye!  With a kick ass label one would guess that the beer is equally as kick ass, and it surprisingly was!

Style: Baltic Porter
%ABV: 7.6
Brewery: Sam Adams
Beer Advocate: 84 Good

I know your probably thinking “hey dipshit, the style says Baltic Porter and you called it a Baltic IPA”!  Well go fuck yourself, take this up with Brewgene and Sam Adams!  It pours like a porter, has a head like a porter, and tastes like a hoppy porter so I have no idea why one refers it to as a Baltic IPA and the other a Baltic Porter.  If I was making the decision it would be a Baltic Porter but since everyone had a boner for IPAs maybe Sam Adams just fooled everyone into buying this beer by calling it something it’s not? 

The beer had that almost grape to sweet flavor that I find common in good porters.  The head was almost like a stout and was fairly thick and frothy with some lacing.  The beer was a nice dark coffee color.  I got hints of sweet grape with a hoppy bight.  As the beer warmed it yielded dark cocoa and coffee flavors slightly masked by the hoppy front end!  It definitely smoothed out as it warmed up!  This is a pretty good beer like everything that isn’t ghay (shandies) from Sam Adams!  I’d recommend going and buying the entire lineup of Sam Adams small batch brews and finding out for yourself!  I’m actually surprised they haven’t released a folly-pack featuring all the small batch beers!


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