Thursday, July 11, 2013

FOUNDER's ALL DAY IPA @foundersbrewing

Yet another amazing beer from Michigan’s Founder’s brewery!  Not sure why I’ve never made it up to Founder’s for a brew tour?  Probably because I hate driving and I’d have to drive up there!  Maybe I can get a group of bros and do a road trip up there sometime in the future!  I got this beer at Baesler’s market a few months back ad it’s a great summer beer!

Style: American IPA
%ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Founder’s Brewery, Michigan
6-pack price: around $9

First off All Day IPA comes in a 6 pack and is billed as session ale.  Not sure what the hell that means but I’m sure they explain it on their website.  At around $9 for a 6-pack this is a definite reasonably priced beer especially being manufactured by Founders and being an IPA. 

This beer was awesomely refreshing!  It had an amazing hop character.  Actually it was the perfect hoppiness and at 4.7% ABV it’s comparable to drinking a light beer so you won’t be getting hammered off of two of these like your higher gravity beers.  As I mentioned this is a great summer beer.  It’s smooth and refreshing while offering a bite.  The beer pours a medium amber color with a nice foamy head with nice lacing around the glass.  The hop aromas are citrusy with hints of malt.  First sip explodes with floral and citrus notes which make this beers so refreshing IMO!  There is a slight malt run as it finishes but if you’re not looking for it you probably won’t taste it. 

I could drink several of these, and unlike most IPAs I drink, I prefer All Day IPA cold right out of the fridge!  I highly recommend this beer to anyone who enjoys the taste of a good IPA but gets a little scared of the quick buzz they give you!  You can enjoy several of these and be OK to enjoy a day on the links playing pasture pool or mowing the lawn!


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