Thursday, July 11, 2013


Been a looooong time since I smoked this here stick…er cigar, that came off a bit on the ghay side.  Anywhoo I had this Tatuaje back in November 2012.  Around that time I was anticipating having to defend myself against the upcoming apocalypse.  During that period we took the Beer-N-Cigars road show to Charleston, IL and decided to go have a stogie at the Indio Cigar factory!  I’m gonna rant on this joint because I feel its way past time I do, then I’m gonna get to the Tatuaje Brown Label Miami J21. 

That place turned me off right after I walked in that dump!  The owner and patrons looked at us like we were a buncha homeless douches!  That is always a feeling I like to have when walking into a new establishment.  Honestly when people act like total townies they’re basically glowing douches and that’s the way I felt about the way we were treated at Indio.  But what made me pissed more than anything was they won’t let you smoke your own cigar, you have to buy one of theirs.  The selection is shitty so I was irritated.  I bought one and smoked the one I brought anyway.  The layout inside looks like some homeless guy who loves to drink beer and sleep in cardboard boxes did the design.  It was just a very uncomfortable place for me to enjoy a nice smoke and to be honest in a list of places to spend purgatory when I die it falls in there right behind Danville, IL and a Bangkok lady-boy brothel.  So this advice goes to you the owner of Indio (if your place is still open)…work on your people skills and learn how to run a proper business sans the doucheness! 

Now that I’ve addressed that shit I will speak on the Tatuaje Brown Label Miami J21 which happened to be the cigar I smoked in that fucking dump!

Country: United States
Wrapper: Ecuador
Strength: Full
Length: 5
Ring Gauge: 50

Tatuaje is a full-bodied Nicaraguan puro created by Pete Johnson and master blender Pepin Garcia who was Cuba’s most respected roller when he fled the island.  Rolled in Miami, FL by top-class Cuban rollers hand selected by Pepin, Tatuaje has complex flavors of earth and coffee highlighted by cedar undertones and accompanied by a long creamy finish!

I was pretty excited about this cigar.  Got it at Binny’s for around $9.  I’ve always felt that if I’m willing to spend $9 on a cigar it should taste like a $9 cigar.  What’s a $9 cigar taste like, well it shouldn’t taste like ass!  This is what I thought this cigar tasted like.  Now in its defense there was a lot going on.  First and foremost I was in a shitty mood do the environment and anyone will tell you if your mood sucks then the cigar your smoking might suck as well because you’re in a shitty mood (redundant?).  Second, and this one is important, I didn’t have anything to drink while smoking.  No beer, liquor, coffee…ect!  That will kill an experience dead in its tracks!  So there were two major things at play and I think that may have had a HUGE impact on my experience with the J21.  So my review is in a sense shitty!  All that being said this was another Nicaraguan that I just didn’t enjoy because of that bitter starting taste.  The J21 didn’t change much throughout but it did have a strong finish and I about died I think because the ventilation sucked at Indio. 

This whole review actually sucks to be honest and I’m probably being a colossal dick.  So I will buy another J21 and give it another shot to be fair, but I guarantee you I won’t be enjoying it or any cigar for that matter at Indio Cigar Factory!

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