Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Webster’s defines “smooth” as having a continuous even surface.  There are many examples of smooth like Kate Upton’s vagina (I’m assuming).  It has to be beautifully smooth to go with her epic tits!  Beers can be smooth as well…I bring you 3Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale-one of the smoothest beers around!

Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
%ABV: 6.0
Brewery: 3Floyds Brewery
Beer Advocate: 95 World-Class...Fuck-N-Eh!!!

Along with Stone, 3Floyds was among the first beers I tried when I was getting the Big D!  Alpha King was the first beer from 3Floyds I ever had and I instantly fell in love with everything about Alpha King along with 3Floyds.  It was that year (2010) that Turbo and I made a trip to 3Floyd’s Dark Lord’s Day which coincidently was the last year it was general admission.  We had a great time but sadly I was a mess so I didn’t actually appreciate how awesome it was!  That being said I picked up a 6 pack of Alpha King that year (2010) at Baesler’s market and drank all of em!  They were tasty!  The crazy thing is back then the shelves in Terre Haute were packed with tons of beers from 3Floyds, now you’re lucky to find one 6 pack of anything.  I had to establish super secret alliances with people all over Terre Haute in order to get a chance to get any 3Floyds product when it hits the shelves!

Alpha king is an American Pale Ale.  It has the perfect combination of hops and malts to give it a unique flavor that is neither too bitter or too sweet.  It is “smooth”!  Alpha King is one of the smoothest APAs out there and among my favorite along with Dale’s Pale Ale by Oskar Blues!  There are many things about Alpha King that stand out from the perfectly balanced hop profile with hints of citrus and hints of nutty sweetness to the awesome label art which 3Floyds is known for on all their products!  Alpha King pours a nice dark amber to dark orange color.  The head is frothy and thick with significant lacing!  6 packs are scarce and any time I see one I buy it regardless if I need it or not.  Amazingly most restaurants and bars in Terre Haute carry Alpha King on tap.  Among those are 7th and Elm and TGI Fridays!  So if you happen to be in the area stop and grab a pint and I bet you love it like I do!


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