Saturday, June 30, 2012


This little sexy thing to the left is none other than a Moscow Mule!  I first had this drink here when I was on holiday in Colorado for my birthday!  Steveo introduced me to this drink so I give him full credit for this! 

I know when you hear "Moscow Mule" if you're like me you think of a pretty sweet sexual position, but not to be confused with the  Tijuana Mule which involves a mexican chic and a mule and....!  The Moscow Mule is a cocktail made with vodka, ginger beer, and lime!  It was first invented out on the west coast in the early 1940s and apparently became popular in the 50s amongst the movie industry elite and probably whores too!  Whores tend to like trendy drinks, if you don’t believe me just to any college bar and see what some sorority whores are ordering up!  It’s either a shot of some stupid shit, or some mixed drink they've read or heard about from some other whores!  Whores never have any original ideas, that's common knowledge! 

Anyways Steveo tried this and was pretty smitten with it!  So I gave it a try as well!  It’s a damn good drink, in fact I think I had three of em at the local pub we hit!  Now normally I’m a beer man, and I steer clear of mixed drinks and liquor, because the answers at the bottom of those drinks tend to be the answers I don’t want to know!  I do stupid things when I drink liquor!  Me drinking liquor is like feeding a Gremlin after midnight!  But anyway I like beer, but I found that I really like the Moscow Mule!  I like it so much in fact that by the time the summer rolls around I’ll have a set of 4 copper mugs, ginger beer, and some top shelf vodka and I will be serving them in my basement bar (it’s currently undergoing a remodel)!  So if we’re friends, feel free to stop by on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evening, bring some offering for the bar gods and I’ll serve you a Moscow Mule!  By the way, next time your out, ask and see if the bar you’re at serves it and give it a try!  I’m betting you won’t be disappointed! 


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