Saturday, June 30, 2012


This week’s beer offering is PFT (Pretty Freakin Tasty)!  It’s none other than the Dreadnaught IPA by Three Floyds Brewery!  I have also been to this brewery as well!  I was there for Dark Lords Day 2010!  I was fortunate enough to go that year which was one of the last years it was general admission.  That was about the only highlight of 2010 and it really wasn’t a highlight because I was living a fucking nightmare that year!  So I didn’t get to really enjoy myself!  I basically drank everything they had to self medicate, cause I was that pathetic!  Needless to say if you ever want to road trip, go to Three Floyds Brewery you won’t leave disappointed! 

As with the Yeti I let this sit for a bit to warm up.  This releases all the flavor of the beer and makes it pretty damn enjoyable!  I’m a hop-head so this beer is right up my alley!  A Snifter is around $5, a 20 oz. bottle will run you close to $12.  It’s worth the price though.  One 20 oz. bottle on an empty stomach can do wonders for your self esteem!

According to Three Floyds Brewery Dreadnaught IPA is A hophead’s dream beer. This Imperial India Pale Ale has an opening salvo of mango, peach and citrus hop aromas that sit atop a pronounced caramel malt backbone. Although Dreadnaught is a strong and intensely hoppy ale, its complex flavor is both smooth and memorable. 9.5% ABV, 99 IBUs.  IBUs are International Bitter Units.  The higher the IBU the more bitter the beer! 

Beer advocate rates Dreadnaught IPA a 98!

I paired the Dreadnaught IPA with the San Cristobal Clasico by Ashton!

San Cristobal is a boutique cigar handcrafted in Nicaragua by the Garcia family.  Blended entirely from rich, well-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos, these cigars feature dark, oily Nicaraguan wrappers.  The flavors are rich and full-bodied, exhibiting a perfect balance between strength and complexity. Hearty notes of earth, cedar and spices are accompanied by lighter notes of walnuts, espresso, black cherries and dark chocolate.  Each cigar is constructed impeccably and finished with a traditional Cuban Triple-Cap.  The Clasico is a 5 X 50 cigar.

I love the Clasico.  The draw is excellent!  The taste from start to finish is smooth.  It is a full bodied smoke with a definite hint of roasty goodness!  It’s full bodied flavor pairs well with the bitterness of the Dreadnaught IPA!  Like I mentioned it will probably take you a good hour to smoke, so you have time for a couple of beers!  But at 9.5% ABV two is plenty good!  When you stand to take a piss, you’ll definitely get a blood-buzz from the Cigar-IPA combo!  But a blood-buzz goes along way in making your troubles disappear!

Now this is the second San Cristobal Clasico I’ve had.  The first was in Peoria!  That time was completely and utterly un-enjoyable!  Not be cause the cigar was bad, but the circumstances around me smoking it were bad!  First off Illinois smoking laws are definitely Chinese…very rigid.  You can only smoke outdoors and that is probably going to be illegal soon!  Anyways, I had to smoke this thing outdoors, and it was hotter than 3 hells with the humidity of the Amazon to boot!  But I toughed it out, the sun was setting and I had positioned myself right across the street from the local strip bar so as to watch all the freaks pay to get some cheap entertainment!  I hadn’t had the damn cigar lit for more than maybe 5 minutes when this Homeless dude comes up claiming to be a huge rap artist!  He wanted to sell me not only his CD, but about 100 others.  I politely declined, but this asshole wouldn’t go away.  So being the nice guy I am I bought him a beer with the hopes of sending him on his merry way!  Did that happen?  FUCK and NO!  Instead he stayed and ratcheted up the annoyingness to a new level!  He started screaming at everyone walking buy…”hey all you fucking Haters, Imma kill all you fucking Haters”!  Now he was directing it at the strip bar so I can only assume he got kicked outta there on occasion!  So here I am sitting at a table, outdoors, sweating my ass off, trying to enjoy my $10 cigar, with some homeless asshole making a scene!, who by the way poured out the beer I bought him!  Needless to say I went into full panic!  I’ve to this day never smoked a cigar so fucking insanely fast in my life!  You’d a thought the damn thing had a half-life and was in decay!  I puffed that thing in less than 20 minutes (normally a cigar like that takes over an hour)!  As I got up and left that asshole tried to bum money off me, WTF, FUCK YOU BRO!  I didn’t enjoy shit, got a fuckin nicotein buzz, felt sick, and got a headache!  The next day was miserable too, and I had to drive back home from Peoria!  So I was ready to give this cigar another shot! 


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