Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Every so often you taste an amazing beer that just blows your mind.  Well that happened to me this past Sunday.  I was in Champaign for a bit and on my way home I decided to stop by the Black Dog in Urbana to grab some of the best BBQ around.  As I weaved my way through the crowds waiting to get a table and bellied myself up to the bar I got a weird feeling.  I opened up the menu and went straight to the beer on tap list.  Before my eyes appeared Cask Conditioned Stone Dayman Coffee IPA!  

Now I do twitter a lot.  It allows me to sort through bullshit and get the info I want in a short amount of time and I don't have to worry about some dumb bitch airing out her life problems like on Facebook!  For the record dunts, no one cares you have a headache or can't decide what to eat!  Anyway I follow Stone Brewery on twitter.  So a few weeks back I say they were doing a special collaboration with Alemans and Two-Brothers breweries in the form of a coffee IPA!  WOW that sounded odd and I instantly began my quest to find this beer.

A few weeks back GQB7 and I were in Champaign and I decided to stop by Friar Tuck.  Right there on the shelf was a shiny brand new bottle of Daymans!  So of course I bought it along with some other beer I don't need.  I took it home and put it with the other 50 or so 22 oz bombers I am aging @ McHooligans!  

So like I said Sunday I was at Black Dog and saw that they had Cask Conditioned Daymans!  Not sure how many of you are familiar with the term cask conditioned beer is unfiltered and unpasteurized beer which is conditioned (including secondary fermentation) and served from a cask without additional nitrogen or carbon dioxide pressure.  If you haven't tried a cask conditioned or cask ale then I highly recommend it if you ever run across some in a pub.  It's a different taste!  Anyways I instantly ordered up a 12 oz glass of Daymans to go with the sweet ass meal of Rib Tips, Sweet Potato Fries, and Pit Beans I had!  

Beer Advocate rates Dayman Coffee IPA a 92, which is spot on!

The color of the beer gives you know indication it has any type of coffee in it whatsoever!  
I've tried coffee stouts and porters and let me tell ya, they're blacker than the ace of spades!  Dayman has a light carmel color almost like a really watered down coca cola!  sticking my nose in the glass left no doubt that this beer indeed had coffee in it.  The coffee aroma was strong to the smell!  I gave it a sip and coffee noted exploded in my mouth then quickly faded to a straight up moderate to strong hop blast!  I was blown away and it boggled my mind how these guys could brew such a complex beer!  Who the hell combines coffee and india pale ale?  It was crazy.  After about half the glass the 8.7% ABV was pretty evident because this beer was threatening to kick my ass!  Drink after drink I was blown away by the coffee to hops taste!   If I had to compare it to something then it would be like getting some Starbucks chocolate covered express beans and putting a few in your mouth then chewing and taking a drink of a nice tasting IPA!  

Daymans in an amazing beer.  I liked it so much that that evening I decided to take the bottle I had boughten a few weeks prior and share it with a few guys over Game of Thrones!  Again this beer blew me away.  It was not the cask conditioned beer but a bottled version with carb!  It was just as good!  Sadly everywhere I have went that initially had Daymans is sold out of it!  Apparently it is a hit!  So if you're somewhere that has this beer I suggest you buy more than one bottle because you'll love the shit out of it!  


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