Friday, May 31, 2013


If you read my post on Stone’s Enjoy By IPA then you know I think hipsters are douche bags!  I was accused of being a hipster once because of my handlebar mustache!  Handlebar mustaches are timeless and just because a few hipsters decided to grow one don’t mean I’m a hipster.  I shower, I hate the environment, own guns, hate liberals and conservatives equally, don’t smoke weed…I could go on!  If I’m anything then I’m a soft- core Super villain who is currently only able to commit to an oddly shaped hair growth on my upper lip...FYI it's cheaper than a broad!  Anyways even though I hate hipsters there is one in particular who did me a solid and recommended Rye of theTiger IPA by Great Lakes Brewery!  Thank you hipster, you do your species proud…shockingly!

Great Lakes Brewery's Rye of the Tiger has claws. Named for its fierce hop profile and sharp rye content, Rye of the Tiger is a thrilling India Pale Ale with bite. Rye of the Tiger is crafted for the fighter
in all of us, a powerful beer meant to inspire feats of strength and skill. At 7.5%, mind those catlike reflexes if your bout goes into extra rounds. If you can handle this hopped-up kitty, you’ve earned your stripes.
Before Reinheitsgebot came into practice in Germany, ruling that only barley, water and hops could be used to produce beer, portions
of rye malt were sometimes substituted for barley malt to create the roggenbier style. In a more contemporary fashion, we’ve used rye to add complexity and flavor to this hop-forward India Pale Ale, creating our version of the burgeoning American “Rye-P-A” style. Adding rye to the malt bill provides crispness, spice, and a dry feel that makes for a very clean, refreshing brew.
Pairs With: Fried chicken, milder blue cheeses, and spiced desserts
Shelf Life: 90 days
Style: American IPA
ABV%: 7.5
IBU: 92
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewery, Ohio
Beer Advocate: 90 Exceptional

Now there aren’t many things to come out of the state of Ohio worth a shit (stay classy Cleveland) but Rye of the Tiger IPA is one of them.  I’m not a big Rye IPA guy I just think they taste a little funny.  I should note that this beer shouldn’t’ be confused with the beer of the same name by 3 Floyds!  Anyways like I said not a fan of most Rye IPAs but the last few I’ve tried including this one right here have been great! 

Rye the Tiger had a very pleasant and intense hop profile.  I didn’t get any floral notes associated with some of my favorite IPAs.  I find that Rye IPAs tend to be a straight up hop experience with slight hints of malt and a touch of a yeasty taste on the back end, this was the case with Rye of the Tiger.  This was a hoppy beer and at 92 IBUs it was pretty evident it was a taste bud destroyer!  Now I can see why the Binny’s hipster recommended it for me.  He must see my cart stacked full of various IPAs when I’m in there.  I recommend this beer purely on its hop character!  It would be a great refreshing beer slightly chilled on a July afternoon watching all the shit-bags walk past your house!!


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