Tuesday, May 21, 2013

NORSE LEGEND @SamuelAdamsBeer

Yggdrasil, the Nordic Tree of Life...ya know that elaborate wood carving where those dipshits hid the cosmic cube in Captain America: The First Avenger!  Well I'm pretty sure that is what's staring at me on the bottle of another of Sam Adams Small Batch offerings...Norse Legend.  It doesn't actually remind me of the Tree of Life nor is it supposed to either, but the label is pretty cool!

Legend has it that barrels of this ancient brew were found on sunken Viking ships.  This Nordic ale called a Sahti took root in Finland becoming one of the oldest continuously brewed styles.  Deep amber in color, the distinctive herbal citrus aroma and flavor comes from aging on a bed of juniper berries for a fresh and flavorful brew.

ABV%: 7%
STYLE: Sahti
BREWERY: Samuel Adams

Beer Advocate: 80 - Good!

I first tried this beer about a year and a half ago at TGIF.  There it was on tap along with several other offerings of Sam Adams small batch brews.  Of the flight I tried I'd say Norse Legend was the smoothest of them all.  Although not real strong and I should note that I highly doubt any Vikings would drink a lot of it prior to raping and pillaging a village but it's pretty good for a sahti.  

There were definite hints of fruit right off the bat indicated by it's juniper roots.  There wasn't a distinctive hop profile that I could tell.  IF it reminded me of anything it was a fruitier dark ale.  I can't really say anymore about this beer other than it's worth trying and the label is cool.

I should mention that I have several of Sam Adams Small Batch bottles.  Coming in at around $5 a bottle they're very affordable for a genuinely good beer as Sam Adams is always known for.  There are several beers in this lineup from Sam Adams, and they all should fit select tastes.  Try em!


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