Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ahh the Mojito!  I've never tried one in my life, but after seeing so many jackasses drink them I figured it was about time I tried one so I invited GQB7 over to my house on the hottest day of the summer and we made a few!  Now I don't make a habit outta drinking mixed drinks because I don't sit to pee and my heads not usually churning with made up stress but that being said I do have the occasional vagina injection (Mixed drink)!  Now I'm sure some of you dicks out there have made Mojitos and use better ingredients yada yada yada...congratulations you're better than me now go fuck yourself!  I hope you feel important! Anyways I feel important enough to share the recipe I used because I actually thought it was pretty tasty!  

2 oz Bacardi Orange Rum
1.5 oz of fresh lime juice
Tablespoon of brown sugar
5-7 mint leaves
one nice shaped fucking lime
Soda water
Crushed Ice

First thing grab a highball glass!  I have pretty sweet ones my X bought for the house back in the old days, she had good taste!  Next drop some Ice in a blender and grind that shit up!  FYI I didn't have luck with that so I said fuck that!  Next drop the mint leaves, limes juice, brown sugar, and a lime wedge into the highball glass...then Muddle!!!  I wasn't sure what the fuck muddling was so I youtubed it...I'm that thick and again I don't drink mixed drinks!  So I muddled the ingredients I dropped in the highball glass then I filled the glass with ice (non crushed because I didn't like that blender).  Next add the rum and top off with soda water...add a lime to garnish and drop a straw in!  GQB7 and I actually sat out on my porch and sweated our asses off drinking these and they were quite refreshing!  I paired the Mojito with a nice TTT Trinidad Corona Cigar...did you know that Mojitos are native to Cuba?  Well now you know why I smoked a cigar with it, I was keeping it real!  Anyways if you get bored grab some ingredients and invite over a cute girl to taste test!  I'm sure your Mojito will be a lot better than mine!


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