Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Back in the good old days when I thought clearly and didn't make inherently bad decisions my pal Utts and I used to hit up the local Mexican joint and get pie-eyed on margaritas.  Now we're not talking one or two, we're talking like 5...in one sitting.  We wouldn't even eat!  Basically we'd just sit there munching on free chips drinking until we reached the end!  Often times we'd have to hoof it in the dead of winter because neither of us could drive...or at least I'd like to think we did?  I love margaritas!  

when I was out in Colorado last summer Steveo took me to a dive of a Mexican joint who boasts to have world's greatest margarita.  This thing was an amazing 24-oz mug filled with tequila goodness!  It tasted a lot different from any margarita I had prior.  It didn't have that too sweet sugary taste like some margaritas have because they're over sweetened to mask the tequila taste!  I feel a good margarita shouldn't mask the tequila but compliment it!  So I put on my mixoligist hat and started to coming up with my own margarita recipe!  It's simple:

1-oz Triple Sec
1.5-oz silver tequila preferably Don Julio
1-oz fresh lime juice

Combine all into a shaker full of ice.  Shake vigorously for a minute.  Serve in a lightly salted, chilled margarita or martini glass with lime wedge to garnish!

I brought my friend GQB7 over to be my guinea pig!  She gave me some good feed back and we mades some minor tweaks!  I defer to her opinion, she seems to have good taste!  And shockingly I said her because she's a girl!  So all you broads who think I'm a woman hater...blow me (figuratively)!  The good thing about this drink and ladies you'll love this, it doesn't boast all the empty calories the restaurant margaritas have! So if you're board hit the store and get together with some friend and have margaritas!  Feel free to play with the ratios to get for desired taste!


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