Monday, September 3, 2012


Sick of hearing about IPAs?  Well blow me!  I love em and until something comes along that takes their place I'm gonna keep featuring them!  For your drinking pleasure is Hop Rush IPA by Four Horsemen Brewery out of South Bend Indiana home of Notre Dame!  

Hop Rush is an American Pale ale made with citri hops which happens to be the same hops used in Zombie Dust, one of my favorite beers in the history of ever!  I bought this beer at Baesler's market in Terre Haute, Indiana.  If you've never been there I would suggest you go for a Super Market it really has no equal in this area!  They have an amazing array of beer!  I usually stop by there on my Wednesday comic book run!  I always leave with something and last time I left with a 6-er of Hop Rush!

After a few sips I definitely thought this was a tasty IPA.  It had just the right hop profile and the IBUs were comparable with that of Zombie dust.  Although Four Horsemen brewed this beer with citric hops I didn't taste the floral hints over the pale ale like that of other citric hop brewed beers.  That being said this was a damn good IPA.  I'd buy a few more and have them sitting in the fridge for the right occasion!  I've only seen Hop Rush at Baesler's so if you're over there grab a 6-er and see for yourself!


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