Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Few drinks are as near and dear to my black heart as Jameson Irish Whiskey.  Over the past 17 years I have done some amazing, or if you're a pessimist the most asinine things while enjoying the sweet sweet nectar of John Jameson's famous distilled creation.  

The company was established in 1780 when John Jameson established the Bow Street Distillery in Dublin!  Jameson is by far the best selling Irish Whiskey in the world with annual sales of 31 million bottles.  Jameson Irish whiskey is produced from a mixture of malted and unmalted or "green" Irish barley, all sourced from within a fifty mile radius around the distillery in Cork. The barley is dried in a closed kiln fired by natural gas, and formerly anthracite coal, to preserve its flavour. Like most Irish whiskey, Jameson is triple distilled for optimum smoothness. The philosophy is balance, ensuring that no one flavour element overpowers another. The end result is a sweet-tasting whiskey.

I was first introduced to Jameson back at the University of Illinois when The Weasel, Mike T, and Gunner first became roommates at Weston Hall at the old 6-Pack Dorms!  The Weasel was the one who introduced us!   The Weasel was a fine Irish lady!  He always proposed we start a weekend off with some Jameson shots as we hit the bars!  It didn't take long for the Jameson to start to "retard" our judgement!  

Before long we had hooked up with a few other lads and introduced them to Jameson as well.  Steveo, Fish, Shoots and Zents all joined the cult of Jameson and we all became friends as well as roughneck hooligan's!  Sadly Mike T didn't make it through the first year and had to transfer, but that had nothing to do with the Jameson, it was more to do with his love of sleep!  But alas Mike T is a very successful structural engineer with a beautiful wife and kids!  In fact everyone but Steveo and I have beautiful wives and kids...sans FIsh he just has a beautiful wife!  

We enjoyed Jameson in many forms not just shots!  The dreaded Irish Car Bomb was one of our favorites!  The Car Bomb entails taking a double shot or a pint (if you're game) of Guinness and dropping a shot of Jameson in it and then chugging it all down!  It's a great n tasty drink, but watch out have too many and you might be cleaning your undies out after shitting your pants in a booth at Legend's Bar, or vomiting on the floor of a buddies bathroom and covering it with his bathmat so he won't know...right away!  

One thing I wouldn't recommend doing would be to do a shot of Jameson every minute for 10 minutes on St. Patty's day!  That is a bit of a stretch of ones ability to tolerate excessive amounts of alcohol and next thing you know you're driving your buddies car down I-80 headed downstate towards Champaign while he has his head stuck out the window sharing his puke with everyone else...while it's about 10 degrees out sans the windchill!  That ends up being a mistake that you end up paying for even a few weeks later!  So use caution because if you have too many shots...you also may tell a fat, ugly girl she's fat and ugly...then break a whine glass over your head and call her a whore just for show!

I particularly enjoy Jameson with Ginger ale on the rocks!  If you can't find Ginger ale then Sierra Mist, Sprite, or 7UP work nicely!  I often Enjoy this with a nice cigar!  

But don't take my word for it, pick up a bottle and do stupid things with it...then enjoy the collateral damage!!


Monday, February 18, 2013


It seems like forever since I've posted anything of note here.  No I haven't been in rehab for alcoholism!  I've actually been spending a lot of time working on McHooligan's as well as stocking up on craft beer and cigars.  I've discovered several good brews over the past few months.

Lagunitas out of California has been making some fantastic beer, and I've been lucky enough to find a few IPAs from them that I really like.  Windmer Brothers out of Oregon is another brewer that I've managed to stumble across.  I bought one of their special brews back in October and tapped it in January.  It was one of the best beers I think I've ever tasted.  It seems every time I head to Binny's in Champaign I'm dropping a few bills on different beers.  Right now I have around 30 Bombers in reserve and a few cases of 12 oz bottles just waiting for the weather to break and to start having Happy Hours again!

Cigars haven't really been as interesting as beer!  Sadly I haven't had a smoke since November, 2012.  We haven't got anywhere to smoke comfortably so I've just been quietly stockpiling cigars in my humidor.  I'm on a bit of a Cuban kick at the moment.  I recently acquired some Cubans and I can't wait to smoke a few this summer on the porch.  I've also picked up some premium dominican sticks as well. I broke down and dropped the cash for a few Davidoff Special Series T cigars.  I also by accident bought the Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year.  I stumbled across it at Binny's and said what the hell.

Something I plan on deviling into soon are single malt scotch and cognac.  I've been reading up on several different brands and ages of both.  I'm pretty stoked about the prospects of having a nice Cuban with either a glass of scotch or cognac.  But I gotta wake till the weather breaks, and that can't come soon enough!
