Monday, December 10, 2012

CIGARS 121012

Seems like forever and a day since I’ve enjoyed a nice cigar!  Last time I lit one up was a week ago in Charleston at the Indio Cigar Factory…and it was less than stellar!  The Indio Cigar Factory sounds cool but names can be a little misleading.  We had a dude night in Charleston last Thursday and I took a nice sampling of cigars to smoke there.  First off the guy who owns it seemed a tad on the dickish side.  Apparently in order to smoke a cigar there you have to buy one of his, and his selection sucked.  Not to mention he was less than friendly.  Maybe it was because I was a newbie, but I’ve been to several places to smoke a cigar and this was by the far the least hospitable!  I don’t recommend it unless you’re desperate!  That being said I did manage to enjoy a couple nice cigars over the break!

Hoya De Monterey Epicure No. 2 – this is another Cuban cigar and like all the ones I’ve previously enjoyed this one had a kick.  I’m not sure if it was the cigar itself or the fact that the place I smoked it was pretty much ventilation free and probably being enclosed in that death room took a few years of my already shortened lifespan.  Maybe it was a combination of the two…who the fuck knows. 

The Epicure No. 2 is a medium bodied cigar.  From the first puff after lighting it was obvious this was a smooth cigar.  Many reviews I’ve read feel this is one of the best cigars of the Cuban Hoya line.  It’s the only one I’ve had but after smoking it I can see how one would feel that way. Kinda like if I fucked Kate Upton…I’d tend to think after that all hot blondes with incredible tits were absolutely fuckable and I probably wouldn’t be wrong.  The first third of the cigar was full of roasty goodness.  After that the cigar took a slight spice to peppery turn.  The last third was again smooth with hints of pepper and cinnamon.  I should also mention the last third was what kicked my ass and prompted a stop at Starbucks to gain my wits! 

All together I thought this was a great cigar.  I liked it better than any non-Cuban Hoya I’ve had.  If I had to compare it with any cigar I’ve had in the past I’d say an Opus or a Davidoff would be comparable with all due respect to all three brands! 

Fuente Fuente Opus X Belicoso – this was the second Opus X I’ve had with the first being the Perfection No. 10.  I enjoyed this cigar on Thanksgiving Day after everyone had gone home and I was fully engulfed in a stress free environment.  Yep Just me a few beers and a bottle of wine sitting on my porch enjoying a cigar!  Needless to say I was drunk when I had this cigar, which I consider to be highly irresponsible especially when you’re smoking an Opus X. 

The Opus X line of Cigars is one of the most famous and sought after cigars because of their distinct flavor and aroma, constant ratings of over 90 by Cigar Aficionado, and rarity. If you're looking for the best of the best - these cigars are it. The Opus X is full of flavor and punch!

To be honest I wasn’t very impressed with this particular cigar.  In fact I liked the Perfection better by far.  I guess you could say this cigar was a bit of a letdown.  It had been in my humidor for about a year too.  It just wasn’t as complex as I was anticipating.  Maybe I was to amped up and made this cigar out to be way more than I should have.  Or maybe it was the fact IW as drunk as skunk…uh yeah that was probably it so I should issue an apology to the Fuentes for my carelessness in this case! 

The Belicoso was smooth from what I remember and it did have more of a full flavor.  I actually should go drop another $10 and get one and try it when I’m not drunk and then do another review!  Maybe I will!

Well that’s it for now.  Cigar posts will be few and far between for awhile since the winter is here and there really isn’t anywhere to smoke a cigar!
